Soul Song Brisbane Rehearsal - Bulimba

9:30am, Thu, 24 Oct 2024

Event Details

Type of event: Rehearsal
Start time: 9:30am
End time: 11:30am
Duration: 2 hours
Venue: Bulimba Community Centre
1 Barramul Road
Bullimba QLD

New members are welcome to join us at any time and your first rehearsal is free.  You can either just turn up, or you can contact Jaq ahead of time so that we know you're coming.  0412 255587 or 

Please note the following if planning on attending:

  • Your first rehearsal is free so really, what have you got to lose???
  • Loan lyric books will be available to visiting members.
  • If you have any symptoms of cold or flu, please do not attend this week - we'd love to see you when you're feeling better.